22 d’abr. 2013

Crítica literària

Al blog teniu una pàgina nova amb totes les crítiques de llibres de cinquè de primària.
Per entrar-hi fes click aquí.
Per llegir les crítiques dels alumnes de 5è A aquí, 5è B aquí i 5è C aquí.

18 d’abr. 2013

Transport (6th grade)

Click on the link and explore the interactive Transport Encyclopaedia.


Write a comment about the most interesting vehicle you found in the Transport Encyclopaedia.

3 d’abr. 2013

Clean and green (5th grade)

Read the text, play the game and answer the questions.

"Your room is a mess! There's rubbish lying all around, but you can recycle it.
Can you put the rubbish in the right recycling bins?"

1. Do you keep your bedroom tidy or is it a mess?
2. Do you recycle the rubbish from your house? 
3. What colour are the containers for recycling where you live?